Your first step to financial independence is to
turn your dreams into reality. It's
fun to dream about what you want in life, we all have at some point. Perhaps
you long for a new car or a vacation home
in the Bahamas, maybe the far east.
Picture your kids graduating from the college of
their choice. Visualize you, or you and
your partner retiring sooner than the average American.
Your dreams are nothing more than dreams unless
you take action now!!
Here, we will begin to teach you how to set basic
financial goals that are more achievable.
Starting ,for example, with your largest financial decision to date..... your home.
We can help you redirect the high
levels of interest on your current mortgage so that you can pay off this huge debt
even sooner than planned. This will
help you so that you begin keeping more of your own hard earned money.
We'll help you to get started working toward
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Call us for mortgage interest reduction
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For information on design:
"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates
What is a "Worldview"?
A worldview is a person's set of assumptions about the basic makeup
and nature of the world and universe. A
fully developed worldview gives answers to life's basic questions:
1.) What is ultimately the prime reality? (...such as "God",
or Matter/Energy)
2.) What is the basic nature of the universe?
3.) What is the basic nature and condition of man?
4.) What happens to man at death?
5.) What is the reason or basis of ethics and morality?
"fire" Matt 7:19, 13:40, 25:41
"everlasting fire" Matt 18:8, 25:41
"eternal damnation" Mark 3:29
"hell fire" Matt 5:22, 18:9, Mark 9:47
"damnation" Matt 23:14, Mark 12:40, Luke 20:47
"damnation of hell" Matt 23:33
"resurrection of damnation" John 5:29
"furnace of fire" Matt 13:42, 50
"the fire that never shall be quenched" Mark 9:43, 45
"the fire is not quenched" Mark 9:44, 46, 48
"Where their worm dieth not" Mark 9:44, 46, 48
"wailing and gnashing of teeth" Matt 13:42, 50
"weeping and gnashing of teeth" Matt 8:12, 22:13, 25:30
"torments" Luke 16:23
"tormented in this flame" Luke 16:24
"place of torment" Luke 16:28
"outer darkness" Matt 8:12, 22:13
"everlasting punishment" Matt 25:46
The Prophecy of
Israel Video
-This one-hour made for TV documentary,
combines the history of the Land and the people that
occupies the land called Israel. In addition, it
beautifully and dramatically blends that history with the
prophecies written by the prophets of the Bible. It
powerfully conveys how these prophecies are being
fulfilled right before our eyes today in modern day
links added every day so refresh often. The search tool at
the top searches the older HTML pages and the ZSearch, which
is much more powerful and linked to the main database is being
updated everyday. You can access it by clicking on ZSEARCH
above. Try looking for ancient images under various categories
since much of the image links are being indexed first. Please
leave a message through email if you notice a problem or have
any comments. Thanks!
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