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Magic 21 -
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QUESTIONS: 1.Are you save? 2.Where will you spend eternalty? 3.REALLY now,do you know JESUS AS YOUR PERSONAL Savior? 4.Did you know good people go to hell!! READ.The book of Revlations 20: 5.Is there a heaven? Read the book of Revlations. [ The intire book ]. 6.When you die, where do you think your SOUL goes? 7.Do you really have a soul? 8.Is there life after death? 9.What about this Jesus talk? is JESUS really coming back again? 10.Is Jesus really for real? 11.Does GOD really exist? 12.Who made the world? 13.The big bang theory, do you really think we humans come from this ? 14.If there is no GOD,where and how does this earth produce food,and who or what is the cause of the earth lasting so many millions of years? 15.Wan't you accept Christ today? 16.What will you do with Jesus? 17.Jesus said every eye shall see him when he comes,every knee shall been, every mouth shall confess he is lord. Do you believe this? 18.Where did we [man] come from? Gen.1: 19.How does God feel about you? Read john.3;16 20.What will you do now that you have read these questions? Will you do nothing or will you seek CHRIST TODAY,NOW? I love you friend and God does too,God does not wan't you to spend eternalty in hell. Wan't you get right with God today? PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE ACCEPT JESUS AS YOU LORD. He is the best friend i have ever had.He will be your friend too. Jesus would love to be your friend. YES, TRY HIM TODAY. RETNOM; Contacts- Send all donations to: SHAMGAR First Baptist Newport News,va. 23607 PASTOR |
a. a friend when you are in need of a friend. b. a bridge over trouble water. c. a doctor in a sick room. d. a lawyer in a court room. Jesus will be what ever your need is. TRY HIM. I did, why not you. You cant go wrong with JESUS. No, you cant lose with the stuff Jesus use. That is [ LOVE ]. Love every body. Don't let color send you to hell. God love's all. You must love all. JESUS said, How can you say you love me and hate your brother you see every day? You are a lie! If you are not with me you then are against me said Jesus. |
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404 - Page Not FoundSorry, but the page or the file that you're looking for is not here.Sponsors![]() Magic 21 - ![]() |